Sorry for the absense of posts, I have been on the road to Nova Scotia for a family wedding. There were a load of people around so the birds were rather inconvenienced. We (the family) on the other hand, had a GREAT time. Of course the one bird that never gets stressed by company arount the feeder is the Black Capped Chickadee, and they are always around Mom's feeder.
And with their own families around there were lots of times when there would be more than one chicky on the feeder.
Of course another of Mom's favourites were always present and those are the Whitebreasted Nuthatch.
The Mourning Doves were also around though skittish. I missed the oppotunity to get shots of either the male Downey or the Pileated's that she had around most of the summer. I did hear the Pileated's on several occations, but the only woody I actuall got an image of is this female Downey.
The highlight of the trip for me was her "new bird". She had discovered this new bird with a long tail "creeping" around on her Oak and Maple trees one day.
These are probably the best Brown Creeper shots I have taken to date.
I'll wrap this post up with Mom's favourite bird around the garden and that is the Darkeyed Junco. I was hoping for a better shot, but all the activity around the house made it very difficult.
Wr stuck pretty close to the house with no outings so there was a minimum of opportunties. I hope that you too had some time to enjoy nature over the past couple of weeks. Come to Calgary and get out for a "track:" with me!

An accounting of outings taken with guests of Turbo's Track and Tour. All photo's on the site are copyrighted by the original poster, unless specifically mentioned in write up. I do not claim to be a photographer, the intent is to provide evidence of what I can find for you! I'd love to get comments on what is presented here. I'd like to thank Russell for finding the originator of the following quote: "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing." -- Sir Rannulph Fiennes
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