Friday 15 January 2016

Cardinal, Flicker, Hoodies (20151129) Finally a trip out to Miners Marsh

We had the occasion to spend the weekend with Mom in New Minas. That provided me an opportunity to get over to Kentville in the morning to take a look at Miner's Marsh. It turns out to be a great place for birding with a lot of opportunities. I was a little late in the year for getting a lot of action but had a pretty good day considering. Song Sparrow's were the first bird to grab my attention.
There are some citizen Mallards that are very approachable. As you can se from the colours the light conditions were very poor. So the ISO was way up and it was pretty tough shooting.
I met Brenda and Mike, they were playing with a Marsh Wren, I was able to see it but was not able to get any images. I saw a rooster pheasant fly in, but couldn't find him either. I did manage to find this male Cardinal.
Then I spotted this Northern Flicker and watched it for a bit, then it disappeared.
I found it to be very unusual to find this male still using a nest hole at this time of year.
I was also able to find a Golden Crowned Kinglet but was not able to grab any images. What I was able to get a couple of images of these ladies- the Hooded Megansers of the hood.
I was also lucky enough to a Mr. with one of the ladies.
I was quite pleased with the little walk and the time invested. This will be a spot that I will return to many times, I hope. See, it's not too tough to put a little "wild" in your life! Try it, I'm certain you will like it.

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