Sunday 6 November 2011

Initial Post Great Horned Owl (20111106)

Welcome to Turbo's Track and Tour initial blog post. I have been thinking of this for a while now and thought; "there's no time like right now to get started".
As I am about to initiate my Photo guide and tour pass time, I thought I should have a little history for people that may want to know a little more about the types of excursions you might be able to enjoy.
   This morning November 6th, 2011 Jamie and I had two targeted species, we were after: owls (primarily Great Horned) and Rough Legged Hawks. We got started about 30 minutes later than I would of liked to, and that was my fault due to the time change last night, but all was not lost. Thanks to Jamie's keen eye, we managed to spot one GHO in the morning 8:40 a.m.. A first for me, actually as it was in an old grainery on the edge of a farm property. So we now know where this fella roosts and will be anxious for the opportunity to return and see if we can get some better photo's.
The balance of the morning was spent hunting down Roughies, it was pretty dry except for the many Muley and Whitetail sightings ( probably 15-20 critters) and about 8-10 coyotes. Once we swung west of of the Okotoks line it was like there was a switch turned on and the Roughies were everywhere. It was a great morning for Jamie, who got to see about 50 of these large birds of prey in about 2.5 hours, with many shooting opps.  As an added bonus were are positive we finished the day off with a Northern Shrike, only my second sighting ever. So all in all a Great day. Home by 1:00 p.m.
Thanks for taking the time to read, as I am off to work on the "Turbo's Track and Tour" website.

Paul T

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