Wednesday 29 August 2012

Wild Turkey's Harriers, Kestrels 120828

Out on the GGO trail again trying to locate these 7 mystery birds that are supposed to be human tolerant. No luck yet, but we did spend a fair amount of time with some Northern Harriers, and Jamie spotted this small brood of Wild Turkeys.
They were quite a way off, and mom wasted no time in getting the young ones out of sight. Although you can only see three in this shot there was a fourth chick lagging behind Mom.
Apretty poor shot here due to the wind, but I thought that it showed off the colours of these beautiful falcons.  The shite tail band at the end of the black with the rusty balance and through to the yellow around the eye. We found a single field with 5 of these gorgeous birds flying around at once.
We found a pair of Nothern Harrier's and watched them for about 20 minutes as they worked over a hillside, gliding effortlessly just a few feet above the ground searching for their next meal.
We had this gal on a fence post but the mottle feathers and windy conditions didn't allow for a sharp shot.
We managed to find a far off black bear and just as we were losing light we cruised a side road and found this little buck.
It was a great productive evening inspite of the windy conditions. Maybe we will find the owls next time.


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