Monday 4 February 2013

Whitewinged Crossbills Sunday morning at Carburn. (20130203)

Well we were off to Carburn Park for our Sunday morning walk, and it started out like a bang. While we were gathering to start out some White winged Cross Bills were in the near by trees.
We were even lucky enough to find a couple on the ground, the light was pretty early which made it harsh, and then when they went into the shade, they almost disappeared.
This was just too good an opportunity not to post a third:)
The walk was pretty a pretty slow affair, a lot of Downy Woodpeckers and Flickers but no Hairy's or Pileated's. We did happen upon a murder of Crows .
We saw a lot of ducks and geese but only long distance peeks at some Bald Eagles. Of course the usual suspects were around.
It was one of those mornings that started with a bang, then kind of fizzled out. We have been suffering those types of days lately on the walks, here's hoping it will be getting better soon.
Going to try and get out this afternoon.

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