Wednesday 18 November 2015

Blackbacked woodpecker, American Robin, Blue Jay(20150511 and 15) A nice surprise out at Len's

Well now that I am settling in at Len's place for a bit the first job is to build a boat rack so we can go fishing! We picked up some lumber in the morning. The day was cool and damp with little waves of heavy mist moving through from time to time. We were working in the garage having a few beverages as this construction does not require exacting measurements and cuts. After a bit I was off to the back of the lot to utilize the facilities when a dark popped up into a dead tree. I hunted around a little and found this beautiful female.
This is the first Black backed woodpecker I had been able to find in Nova Scotia so far, not that I had really been looking. So I yelled to Len to get the cameras. We spent a few minutes with her while she worked the tree.
 It was the first time Len had ever seen one anywhere let alone his yard. I have a nice little video of a male working a log in Bebo Grove in Calgary, it is found here.
This female was looking for, and finding grubs in the tree.
With the dampness of the day, making for very poor conditions we headed back to work in the damp conditions. My Nova Scotia move was starting to bear fruit, so to speak-- a Black backed Woodpecker!
A couple of days later, my birthday actually, we had much nicer weather and I spent a little time in the back yard. Of course the Blue Jays were  present.
I also spent some time with this beautiful American Robin, a much over looked bird here in Canada.
I couldn't help posting a second image of such a beautiful bird.
Still catching up on the back log--Still in May so I have a little ground to cover. Today, do me a favour and put a little wild in your life.

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