Friday 27 November 2015

Merlin, varying hare, Palm Warbler (20150617-18) A second fishing trip

While loading the boat for an attempt at an early morning getaway for fishing ( it's a two hour ride in and 2 hours back out due to road conditions) I spotted a new yard bird for Len. This Merlin flew in across the street monitoring the neighbourhood for a meal.
It didn't stay long, so I only managed a couple of images. I will crop this shot a little tighter. I am not certain if the east coast Merlins adhere to the "prairie" colouring of the males being blue/grey and the females being brown. If so, I believe that this is a female.
 The next morning managed to find about three different Varying hares on the drive in. They were pretty skitish, but this one agreed to sit long enough for a shot or two.
When I was reviewing this image I couldn't help but notice the similarity of these, and probaby all, rabbits and kangaroos. The head structure in this shot just took my mind right there!
We had a successful morning of fishing and were looking around for the Bland-and-white we had shot last time we were here, to no avail. We did however come up with a new bird for Len, this beautiful Palm Warbler.
The only other Palm Warbelr that has been on the blog was about 2 or 3 years ago. I certainly didn't get this quality of image last time. 
The colours and distance from the birds are much better this time around. 
A bit of a thin post, but it is what I have. Even a thin day is better than none, so be certain and put a little "wild" in your life!

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