Tuesday 11 June 2013

13 lined Ground squirrel, Yellow Warbler, Waxwings, Northern Pike, Rosebreasted Grosbeak on a Sunday Back to the Weaselhead (20130609)

Sheesh, you think we would get tired of hitting the same spot for a walk, but new surprises show up every time we do! We were greeted by the "dawn Chorus" troupe, they had been here since 3:30 a.m. listening for the birds of the morning. Our leaders were among them so we got headed out (with our small group of 6) to see what we could find. We started with a Spotted Towhee and a Catbird, but our first photo opp was a couple of Least Chipmunks.
There were plenty of "flitters" to keep us company. There were Yellow Warblers everywhere, but they don't sit still very long.  You have to catch them when they stop to sing.
I got my first up close Cedar Waxwing of the year, it is a shame we didn't have better light as these are great looking birds.
Our next sighting occurred as we were scouting around for the Eastern Phoebe that was known to be in the area, this is the first posting of this predator on my blog. Hopefully you will enjoy.
After first hearing then spotting a drumming Ruffed Grouse, we found this Yellow Bellied Sapsucker.
It seems in the season of green everywhere we look we are finding yellow. Then you spot some grey, here is an Alder Flycatcher.
Then the noisy guy started up, we were hoping to find Veery, but this Rose Breasted Grosbeak made an appearance instead. In spite of his bright colour (no yellow this time) he can be very hard to find in the treetops.
On our return to the start of the trail Bob called me over to see one of my target specie for this year, a 13 Lined Ground Squirrel.
This is the best look I have had of these critters, I have about a hundred shots now, this guy was a fabulous subject.
It was a terrific day with over 40 species of birds alone, when you throw in the other subjects it just made the day even better. I hope everyone has a super wildlife week!

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