Wednesday 9 April 2014

Buffleheads,Goldeneyes,Redtail, Bluebirds (201404xx) Some shots from a couple of outings.

I spent a little time down at the river on Monday in order to try a few things out. I shared some time with Goldeneyes like this male.
There were a few females around but the males certainly outnumbered them handily.
The other common bird on the river were a few Buffleheads. These are the best images I have managed of these colourful birds.
They are very difficult to capture as their eyes are pretty well hidden in their dark facial feathers.
One more image of a Goldeneye, in take off mode.
Next up is a Redtail hawk from my first trip out to my new Bluebird Trail. This will be a new experience for me, you can expect a few more Mountain Bluebird shots this summer.
On Wednesday Jamie and I took a run around as his vehicle was in the shop. It was very windy and as a result we saw very little. we did manage to grab a couple of shot of a pair of bluebirds.
I always like it when we can find them and shoot them in trees.
Now for the beautiful female that this fella was wooing. They were singing back and forth to one another. They also had their summer home all picked out.
More of these types of posts coming. I hope you enjoy them.

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