Monday 14 April 2014

Owls, Goldeneyes, Magpie (20140410) A trip down to Fish Creek

With the hope of getting some Redhead shots. On the way to the river I stopped in to see how the GHO's were doing. I was so happy to find them both sleeping and no other people around keeping them awake in the middle of the day. I slipped in and grabbed a couple of quick images. Here is dad.
 Here is mom, she has at least two little ones that she is dealing with in this nest.
The geese are back as well, selecting their trees for nesting.
Over to the river, I had the pleasure to be joined by this female goldeneye.
The great thing about having her fly in close and hang around is that the males are all chasing the females and this provided me opportunities to grab a couple shots of them as well.
Getting to watch all the aspects of the courting displays was great. This guy was giving his all to attract her attention.
 These 90 minutes were very rewarding. The light was fabulous as well.
Certainly watching the interactions was great. It was great to see them get together occasionally.
I love the shape of the head of the male, the jowlie look they have is hillarious.
On the way back to the truck I spotted this Magpie that was showing the colours in the wings and tail that the sun was revealing.
It was a great two hours down by the river in the springtime! I'll wrap up the post here, who knows next?

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