The light was absolutely attrocious but you take what you get, and when you get a target like this you just shoot!
While we were shooting this crow popped in and gave me a proper "yelling at". I expect it was expecting to get fed. I liked catching it with the nictitating member closed.
Here is a shot, that I call "Toothy", I don't know why he hardly shows any teeth here.
This is a fairly large critter, he was likely 40 or more yards off. He was a joy to watch as he would occassionally come out of the water and scootch around.
When he stops and just looks, he is quite a handsome dude!
But the captivating aspect of these large weasels is their playing in the snow!
I won't bore you with any more images. But there is a second slightly longer video of that very behaviour, you can play it by clicking here! So that is how to put a little "wild" in your life.
I've really got to go to Sullivan's Pond. Would really love to see THAT Otter.