Saturday 12 October 2013

More Blue Jays, Doves and Pheasnat shots.(2013105) Shots from Nova Scotia.

With access to Blue Jays, Doves and Pheasants we spent alot of time in the blind hoping for some more action. I thought the Blue Jay shots I would post some movement shots, they may not be perfect, but It like how they turned out:)
 Here is a little "drop off" of the top bar down to the ground.
It is amazing how quickly these birds can empty a feeder, Len can refill these boxes three or four times a day.
It is difficult to catch these birds just as they are leaving. I know it sounds like whining, but when you have so much activity focusing on a single bird is tough:)
Here is a "hopper", after they spray the seeds out of the feeder they will "pop" down to the grass and pick up their high grade material.
I like this shot to show how much they try and stuff into their gullet. I truly love all the shades of Blue on these beauties.
That's it for Blue Jays on this post, here are a couple of Mourning Dove images that I took in the morning.
This might be my best shot of a dove ever, and I am really glad that we spent the time in the blind.
Now I thought I would trow in a ouple more Pheasant shots to fill in this post. It was great to see these beautiful birds. This is a shot of our purple fronted buddy.
This was a couple of great days of watching and photoing some fabulously coloured birds, the fact that we got to throw in a snake and an unexpected bird was just BONUS!!!
I have to thank Len for a GREAT time and some excellent opportunities. Drop on our to Calgary and look me up, we can get out for a "track"!

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