Monday 19 May 2014

Cinnamon Teal, Blue-winged Teal, Semi-palmated Sandpiper (20140517) A Saturday morning in the blind with Jamie.

An early start doesn't always guarantee success on these trips, but it can sure help. I am afraid that I picked a poor place to set up, but with all the birds around, we managed to find a few subjects to shoot. We started out with some Earred Grebes.
I was ecstatic when this male Cinnamon Teal did a swim by with the sun out. My best image of these birds ever. How can you not like this shot?
The next beauties to spend time with us was a pair of Blue-winged Teals. I never get this close to these birds.
As with so many other specie this time of year, love in the air, and the water apparently.
I am vey happy with the morning's shots of these birds. This might make my next book. I have uploaded a bit of video of the two birds feeding and preening at:
Turbos YouTube Blue-winged Teal
Of course the beauty of being pond-side is that the Killdeer are never far away. They make great subjects, and are a challenge as they are always on the move.
Another pleasant surprise were my first Semi-palmated Sandpipers. These guys blew through so quick we were lucky to see them at all.
Thankfully we waited long enough for a Spotted Sandpiper to drift by as well. This guy didn't "bob" as much as I am used to seeing them do.
There was action to watch with the fueding Coots. We couldn't tell who were the Hatfields and who were the 'Coys!
I don't usually post gull shots, but when I get an in-flight shot sometimes they show up here:)
I will wrap up this portion of the day here. I will add another post that will cover our short drive home. Enjoy the post and take a look at the video on YouTube.

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